Adenydd colomen pe cawn
Adenydd fel c'lomen pe cawn
Dwy aden colomen pe cawn

(Golwg o ben Nebo)

Adenydd colomen pe cawn,
  Ehedwn a chrwydrwn ymhell,
I gopa bryn Nebo mi awn
  I olwg ardaloedd sydd well;
A'm llygaid tu arall i'r dŵr,
  Mi dreuliwn fy nyddiau i ben
Mewn hiraeth am weled y Gŵr
  Fu farw dan hoelion ar bren.

'Rwy'n tynnu tuag ochor y dŵr,
  Bron gadael yr anial yn lân;
Mi glywais am goncwest y Gŵr
  A yfodd yr afon o'm blaen;
Fe dreiglodd y maen oedd dan sêl,
  Fe gododd y Cadarn i'r lan;
Fe'i caraf ef, deued a ddêl,
  Mae gobaith i'r truan a'r gwan.

Ni allaf tra bwyf yn y cnawd
  Ddim diodde'r caniadau sydd fry,
Na llewyrch wynepryd fy Mrawd -
  Mae'n llawer rhy ddisglair i mi;
'N ôl hedeg a gadael fy nyth,
  A chuddio fy mhabell o glai,
Bydd digon o nefoedd dros byth
  Ei weled ef fel ag y mae.
Thomas William 1761-1844
2: John Williams 1728-1806
             - - - - -

Adenydd fel c'lomen pe cawn,
  Ehedwn a chrwydrwn ymhell,
I gopa bryn Nebo mi awn
  I olwg ardaloedd sydd well;
A'm llygaid tu arall i'r dŵr,
  Mi dreuliwn fy nyddiau i ben
Mewn hiraeth am weled y Gŵr
  Fu â'i ddwylo dan hoelion ar bren.

Nis gallaf tr'o'i byw yn y cnawd
  Ddim diodde'r caniadau sydd fry,
Na llewyrch wynepryd fy Mrawd -
  Mae'n llawer rhy ddisglair i mi;
Nes hedeg a gadael fy nyth,
  A chuddio fy mhabell o glai,
Bydd digon o nefoedd dros byth
  Ei weled E' fel ag y mae.

Mi 'rosaf wrth ochor y dŵr
  Nes mynd o'r anialwch yn lân;
Fy ngobaith yw concwest y Gŵr
  A rydiodd yr afon o'm bla'n.
Mae'n olau, fe twygwyd y llen,
  Fe gododd ein Harglwydd i'r lan;
Mae'n sicir os cododd y Pen
  Fe gwyd yr aelodau'n y man.

Mae Bugail y defaid yn fyw
  A'i braidd sydd i gyd yn Ei gôl;
Yn ardal y meirw nid yw,
  Duw'r heddwch a'i dug yn Ei ôl.
Y plant roddwyd iddo Fe 'gyd,
  Un ewin ohonynt ni choll;
Fe ddywed yn niwedd y byd:
  "Mi'u cedwais, ac wele hwynt oll!"
Adenydd :: Dwy aden
colomen :: fel c'lomen
Ehedwn a chrwydrwn ::      
      Mi grwydrwn, mi hedwn
      Cyrwydrwn, ehedwn
olwg :: weled
A'm llygaid :: A'm golwg :: Edrychwn
Mi dreuliwn :: Nes treulio
Mewn hiraeth :: Dan ganu
am weled :: wrth gofio
tynnu tuag :: nesu at
yfodd :: holltodd
o'm blaen :: o'mlaen
Fe'i caraf ef, :: Mi ' caraf, a

Dyfroedd Bethesda 1824

Tonau [88.88.D]:
Cleveland / St Andrew (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
Dôl Maelgwyn (J T Rees 1857-1949)
Llangristiolus (Joseph Parry 1841-1903)
Gethsemane (J H Roberts 1848-1924)
Glanrhondda (W T Rees [Alaw Ddu] 1838-1904)
Mair (Tom Price 1857-1925)
Salome (Caniadau Seion 1840)
Samuel (T Gwynn Jones)

gwelir Rwy'n tynnu tuag ochor y dŵr

(View from the summit of Nebo)

If I had a dove's wings,
  I would fly and range far,
To the peak of Nebo's hill I would go
  To see regions which are better;
And my eyes to the other side of the water,
  I would spend my days on the summit
In longing to see the Man
  Who died under nails on a tree.

I am drawing towards the side of the water,
  About to leave the desert completely;
I heard about the conquest of the Man
  Who drank the river in front of me;
Rolled the stone that was as a seal,
  The Mighty One rose up;
I will love him, come what may,
  There is hope for the wretch and the weak.

I cannot while I live in the flesh
  Suffer the songs which are on high,
Nor the radiance of the face of my Brother -
  It shines too brightly for me;
After flying and leaving my nest,
  And hiding my clay tent,
There will be enough of heavens for ever
  When it appears just as it is.
                 - - - - -

If I had a dove's wings,
  I would fly and range far,
To the peak of Nebo's hill I would go
  To see regions which are better;
And my eyes to the other side of the water,
  I would spend my days on the summit
In longing to see the Man
  Who had his hands under nails on a tree.

I cannot while I live in the flesh
  Suffer the songs which are on high,
Nor the radiance of the face of my Brother -
  It shines too brightly for me;
Until flying and leaving my nest,
  And hiding my clay tent,
There will be enough of heavens for ever
  When it appears just as it is.

I am waiting by the side of the water,
  About to leave the desert completely;
My hope is the conquest of the Man
  Who forded the river in front of me;
It is light, the curtain was torn,
  Our Lord rose up;
It is certain if the Head rose
  The members will rise soon.

The Shepherd of the sheep is alive
  And his flock are all in His bosom;
In the region of the dead it is not,
  The God of peace has led it behind him.
The children were all given to Him,
  Not a single doe of them is lost;
He says at the end of the world:
  "I have kept them, and behold them all!"
wings :: pair of wings
a dove's :: like a dove
I would fly and range ::      
      I would range, I would fly
      I would range, I would fly
And my eyes :: And my view :: I would look
I would spend :: until spending
In longing :: While singing
to see :: while remembering
drank :: split

tr. 2007,12 Richard B Gillion

(The Promised Land Seen From Afar)

If I had wings like Noah's dove
  To fly where'er my heart would stand,
I'd choose the place where Moses stood -
  From Nebo view the promised land.
I'd raise my eyes and gaze afar
  To see the Man who died for me,
On him my wondering soul is fixed
  As nails once held him to the tree.

Now am I eager to depart
  This earthly desert, and to fly,
For there is One who vanquished all
  And drained the dreaded river dry.
The stone he rolled, the seal defied,
  The Mighty One to life broke free.
Now come what may he has my love
  The hope of this weak wretch is he.

But while this earthly life endures
  The songs which angels sing above,
And his, my Brother's, shining face,
  Are too much for this earth-bound dove;
From holy mount to home I fly
  Until this mortal life expires;
Eternity will then suffice
  To show me all my heart's desires.
                 - - - - -

If I had wings like Noah's dove
  To fly where'er my heart would stand,
I'd choose the place where Moses stood -
  From Nebo view the promised land.
I'd raise my eyes and gaze afar
  To see the Man who died for me,
On him my wondering soul is fixed
  As nails once held him to the tree.

But while this earthly life endures
  The songs which angels sing above,
And his, my Brother's, shining face,
  Are too much for this earth-bound dove;
From holy mount to home I fly
  Until this mortal life expires;
Eternity will then suffice
  To show me all my heart's desires.

Now am I eager to depart
  This earthly desert, and to fly,
For there is One who vanquished all
  And drained the dreaded river dry.
The stone he rolled, the seal defied,
  The Mighty One to life broke free.
Now come what may he has my love
  The hope of this weak wretch is he.


tr. 2007 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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